


1.    Jenny Rathbone MS welcomed everyone to this first session of the group. Unfortunately, the CPG couldn’t be properly constituted as representatives from three political parties not present. Items 1 & 2 of the Agenda - to elect new Chair & Secretary, and ratifying the new name: Cross-Party Group on Gambling Related Harm - were postponed to the next session on 6th December / 1. Croesawodd Jenny Rathbone AS bawb i'r sesiwn gyntaf hon o'r grŵp. Yn anffodus, nid oedd cyfansoddiad priodol i'r Grŵp Trawsbleidiol gan nad oedd cynrychiolwyr o dair plaid wleidyddol wahanol yn bresennol. Felly, gohiriwyd eitemau 1 a 2 ar yr Agenda, sef i ethol Cadeirydd ac Ysgrifennydd newydd, a chadarnhau'r enw newydd: Grŵp Trawsbleidiol ar Niwed sy'n Gysylltiedig â Gamblo, hyd y sesiwn nesaf ar 6 Rhagfyr.


2.    Present were / Yn bresennol ‘roedd: Robbie Thornill, Bev John, Gareth Roderique-Davies, Ryland Doyle, George Watkins, Leon Marsh, Nick Phillips, Adil Nayeem, Simon Dymond, Matt Zarb-Cousin, Gillain McAtackery, Stephanie Barnhouse, Jenny Rathbone, Katie Fry, Carys Morgan-Jones, Lisa Gillespie, Robbie Thom, Marina Smith, Deborah Lewis, Dee Lally-Osborne.


3.    Apologies were received from / Derbyniwyd ymddiheuriadau gan: No apologies were received / Ni dderbyniwyd dim ymddiheuriadau



4.    Matt Zarb-Cousin talked about The Coalition against Gambling Ads. 

The Coalition Against Gambling Ads (CAGA) was formed in October 2020, ahead of the then forthcoming Gambling Act review. In its first month, it brought together a collection of charities, sports clubs, and other organisations to campaign for an end to all gambling advertising, promotion and sponsorship. The growing list of members includes the likes of RSPH, The Gambling Health Alliance, Clued Up Gambling, The Big Step, Gambling with Lives and Lewes FC.

The cross-sector coalition is reflective of public mood, who largely support restrictions of all forms of gambling promotion. Recent reports from the House of Lords Select Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Gambling Related Harm suggest that there is also cross-party political appetite for CAGA’s objectives. No member of CAGA is anti-gambling, but every member is anti-gambling harm. “We don’t want to impinge on anyone’s freedom to have a bet, but the long-term public health of young people must be a priority and therefore gambling should be tolerated, but not promoted.”

Siaradodd Matt Zarb-Cousin am y Glymblaid yn erbyn Hysbysebion Gamblo.


Ffurfiwyd y Glymblaid yn erbyn Hysbysebion Gamblo (CAGA) ym mis Hydref 2020, cyn yr adolygiad o'r Ddeddf Gamblo oedd ar ddod ar y pryd. Yn ei fis cyntaf, daeth y glymblaid â chasgliad o elusennau, clybiau chwaraeon a sefydliadau eraill at ei gilydd i ymgyrchu dros roi terfyn ar bob hysbysebu, hyrwyddo a nawdd o ran gamblo. Mae'r rhestr gynyddol o aelodau yn cynnwys y Gymdeithas Frenhinol dros Iechyd y Cyhoedd (RSPH), y Gynghrair Iechyd Gamblo, Clued Up Gambling, The Big Step, Gamblo gyda Bywydau a Chlwb Pêl-droed Lewes.

Mae'r glymblaid draws-sector yn adlewyrchu teimladau’r cyhoedd, sy'n gyffredinol yn cefnogi cyfyngiadau ar bob math o hyrwyddo gamblo. Awgryma adroddiadau diweddar gan Bwyllgor Dethol Tŷ'r Arglwyddi ar Effaith Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd y Diwydiant Gamblo, a'r Grŵp Seneddol Hollbleidiol ar Niwed sy'n Gysylltiedig â Gamblo, bod brwdfrydedd gwleidyddol trawsbleidiol hefyd o ran amcanion y Glymblaid. Nid oes dim un o aelodau’r Glymblaid yn gwrthwynebu gamblo, ond mae pob aelod yn gwrthwynebu’r niwed sy’n deillio o gamblo. "Nid ydyn ni am amharu ar ryddid neb i gael bet, ond mae'n rhaid i iechyd cyhoeddus hirdymor pobl ifanc fod yn flaenoriaeth, ac felly dylid goddef gamblo, ond nid ei hyrwyddo."


5.    Matt went on, “I want to talk briefly about the business model used by the online gambling sector – which is in sharp contrast to the narrative that only a small number of people get addicted. A Warwick and Oxford University study, showed that gambling related harm happens at low levels of losses - 1 in 4 people who gamble online experience harm. A HOL Gambling Industry Select Committee found that 60% of the profits from online gambling are coming from 5% of the gamblers. And a piece of research on behalf of GambleAware showed 86% of the profit coming from the 5% at risk. These types of customers who can ill afford the losses are at the core of their business model.” / "Rwyf am siarad yn fyr am y model busnes sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio gan y sector gamblo ar-lein - sy'n wahanol iawn i'r naratif mai dim ond nifer fach o bobl sy'n mynd yn gaeth. Dangosodd astudiaeth gan Brifysgol Warwick a Phrifysgol Rhydychen fod niwed sy'n gysylltiedig â gamblo yn digwydd ar lefelau isel o golledion - mae 1 o bob 4 o bobl sy'n hapchwarae ar-lein yn profi niwed. Canfu Pwyllgor Dethol Tŷ’r Arglwyddi ar y Diwydiant Gamblo fod 60% o'r elw o gamblo ar-lein yn dod o 5% o'r gamblwyr. A dangosodd darn o waith ymchwil ar ran GambleAware fod 86 y cant o'r elw yn dod o'r 5 y cant o chwaraewyr sydd ‘mewn perygl’. Mae'r mathau hyn o gwsmeriaid,na allant fforddio'r colledion wrth wraidd eu model busnes."


6.    “We’ve had not fit-for-purpose regulation for a long time and, since the 2005 Gambling Act, a lack of understanding of gambling related harm. And, when you have an industry with a business model where most of the profits come from people who can ill afford it, then those people will eventually run out of money. There’s only so much money they can lose, only so much debt they can get into – and in the worst cases people take their own lives. So, in that context, they constantly need new customers, they need to replace the revenue they’re losing from the people who are going broke – “Playing to extinction,” as they call it. The way they do this is by ploughing millions and millions of pounds – about £1.5 - £2 billion - into marketing and advertising. Not just TV advertising, but digital advertising as well. They have this ecosystem where of the £6 billion that was lost last year in online gambling, £1.5 billion goes back into marketing in order to replace the revenue that is running out from the people they are relying on who are addicted. So the advertising is core to this unsustainable and quite destructive business model, because without new customers they can’t replace the revenue, and the revenue is very short term from each individual customer/ "Rydym wedi bod â dulliau rheoleiddio anaddas i'r diben ers amser maith ac, ers Deddf Gamblo 2005, diffyg dealltwriaeth o’r niwed sy'n gysylltiedig â gamblo. A phan fydd gennych ddiwydiant gyda model busnes lle mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r elw'n dod gan bobl sy'n methu â'i fforddio, yna bydd y bobl hynny'n rhedeg allan o arian yn y pen draw. Dim ond cymaint a chymaint o arian y gallant ei golli, dim ond cymaint a chymaint o ddyled y gallant fynd iddi  – ac yn yr achosion gwaethaf mae pobl yn cymryd eu bywydau eu hunain. Felly, yn y cyd-destun hwnnw, mae angen cwsmeriaid newydd arnynt yn gyson, gan fod angen iddynt ddisodli'r refeniw y maent yn ei golli gan y bobl sy'n colli eu holl arian – "Chwarae i ddifodiant" fel y maent yn ei alw. Y ffordd y maent yn gwneud hyn yw drwy arllwys miliynau a miliynau o bunnoedd, sef tua £1.5 - £2 biliwn, i farchnata a hysbysebu. Nid hysbysebu ar y teledu yn unig, ond hysbysebu digidol hefyd. Mae ganddynt yr ecosystem hon lle o’r £6 biliwn a gollwyd y llynedd mewn gamblo ar-lein mae £1.5 biliwn yn mynd yn ôl i farchnata er mwyn disodli'r refeniw sy'n darfod yn sgil y bobl y maent yn dibynnu arnynt, sef y bobl sy'n gaeth i gamblo. Felly mae'r hysbysebu'n greiddiol i'r model busnes anghynaliadwy ac eithaf dinistriol hwn, oherwydd heb gwsmeriaid newydd ni allant ddisodli'r refeniw, ac mae'r refeniw ar sail byr dymor iawn gan bob cwsmer unigol.


7.    Each customer has on average about a year when they will have an account with an operator before they go broke or get bored. It’s polarised - and quite distinct from the narrative we hear, that millions of people do this, that it’s an entertainment product. On the contrary, it depends on the sporadic gambler who might get bored and never gamble again. They replace these customers not just through TV advertising, but they do it through affiliate marketing as well. If you ever go on a website and you see a pop-up advert for a gambling site, if you were to sign up through that affiliate, the website that is offering that advert will get a percentage of your losses for ever. That’s the relationship they have with these affiliates - and some get 70% of the losses, it’s that high. The cost of player acquisition is so high because all these operators are clamouring to get new customers because the customers who are driving their revenue are going broke. It’s an industry and an ecosystem that is built at the moment on poor regulation, and on generating harm.”

be a priority and therefore gambling should be tolerated, but not promoted.” / Ar gyfartaledd, mae pob cwsmer yn parhau am tua blwyddyn pan fydd ganddynt gyfrif gyda gweithredwr cyn iddynt fynd i ddyledion neu ddiflasu. Mae’r busnes wedi'i begynu - ac yn gwbl wahanol i'r naratif a glywn, sef bod miliynau o bobl yn gwneud hyn, a’i fod yn adloniadol a phoblogaidd. I'r gwrthwyneb, mae'n dibynnu ar y gamblwr ysbeidiol a allai ddiflasu a byth yn hapchwarae eto. Mae’r cwmnïau yn disodli'r cwsmeriaid hyn, nid yn unig drwy hysbysebu ar y teledu, ond maent yn ei wneud drwy farchnata cysylltiedig hefyd. Er enghraifft, os bydd rhywun yn mynd ar unrhyw wefan, a'ch bod yn gweld hysbyseb ar gyfer safle gamblo, pe baech yn cofrestru drwy'r cyswllt hwnnw, byddai’r wefan sy'n cynnig yr hysbyseb honno'n cael canran o'ch colledion chi am byth. Dyna'r berthynas sy’n bodoli o ran y cysylltiadau hyn - ac mae rhai yn cael 70% o'r colledion. Mae’n wir yn ganran mor uchel â hynny. Mae cost caffael chwaraewyr mor uchel oherwydd bod yr holl weithredwyr cwmnïau gamblo yn brwydro i gael cwsmeriaid newydd gan fod y cwsmeriaid sy'n chwyddo eu henillion hwy yn mynd i ddyledion. Mae'n ddiwydiant ac yn ecosystem sydd wedi'i seilio ar hyn o bryd ar reoleiddio gwael, ac ar greu niwed."


8.    Jenny Rathbone MS thanked Matt Zarb-Cousin for his excellent presentation and chaired an interesting discussion, which then ensued / Diolchodd Jenny Rathbone AS i Matt Zarb-Cousin am ei gyflwyniad rhagorol, a chadeiriodd drafodaeth ddiddorol yn dilyn y cyflwyniad. She then introduced Adil Nayeem, one of the team behind the gambling Ap - Recover Me' to demonstrate how it works/ Yna, cyflwynodd Jenny Rathbone AS Adil Nayeem, un o’r tîm a sefydlodd yr ap ‘Recover Me’ i egluro sut mae’r ap yn gweithio.

Please find the attached presentation / Gweler y Cyflwyniad atodedig


9.    Jenny Rathbone MS thanked Adil for his presentation of an excellent resource which would augment and support people’s recoveries from gambling disorder / Diolchodd Jenny Rathbone AS i Adil am gyflwyniad rhagorol a fydd yn cefnogi ac yn help pobl sy’n gwella o anhwylder gamblo.

10. AOB /Unrhyw fater arall; There were no other matters / Nid oedd unrhyw fater arall

11.            Date of the next meeting: 6th December 2021 (12.00 – 13.00) online via TEAMS / Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: 6ed Rhagfyr 2021 (12.00 - 13.00) ar-lein drwy TEAMS.

LYNNE NEAGLE MS/AS Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language will share her thoughts on: / Bydd Lynn Neagle AS, y Gweinidog dros Iechyd Meddwl, Lles a'r Gymraeg yn rhannu ei meddyliau ar:




Chair/ Cadeirydd …Text, letter  Description automatically generated

Dat/ Dyddiad  6/12/21…………………